It’s a great tragedy that more than 75 farmers’ suicides have occurred in the state in a span of a couple of months in Karnataka.

We are all good at blaming others. We usually begin by blaming the farmers themselves, because they seem to be so irrational in comparison to all of us in a lot of crucial decision making processes. We then jump on to blaming politicians for their corruption and neglect. Then come the bureaucracy for their ineptitude and lethargy.

 We seem to think less methodically about our economy and its structure that creates such  collateral damage on a consistent basis. Farmers today are at the loosing end of the economy. As the influence on the the market grows on the society, agriculture becomes less and less rewarding because of its finite demand characteristics.

 With literally no control over agricultural prices, farmers are always and invariably gambling with supply and demand. Agriculture is probably the few sectors where producers are purely price takers. Production also is largely beyond their reasonable control. With so many producers across the nation, competition among farmers also ensures that prices can never be too profitable, almost never consistently in the long run.

Agriculture in the modern econmy is designed to fail. With this background, it is obvious that farmers with no other employment opportunity, cannot make the rational choice you and me think they should make.

 It would take a considerable overhaul of our economy if farmers are to lead secure lives. Any other immediate solution is going to be just a band aid for a concussion.